Objavljeni članci u časopisima indeksiranima u WOS bazi podataka

Članak dr. sc. Dragana Damjanovića “Architect Marko Vidaković, Zagreb Exhibition of Contemporary Czechoslovakian Architecture (1928) and the Beginnings of Modernism in Croatian Architecture” objavljen je u uglednom srednjoeuropskom, najstarijem češkom povjesnoumjetnčkom časopisu, koji izdaje praški Institut za povijest umjetnosti: Umění – Art. Journal of the Institute of Art History of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, LXIII/1-2, Prague, 2015, str. 45-57, 110.

Članak dr. sc. Dragana Damjanovića „Neogotička arhitektura u opusu Josipa Vancaša. Radovi u Italiji, Hrvatskoj i Sloveniji” objavljen je u uglednom hrvatskom časopisu: Prostor : znanstveni časopis za arhitekturu i urbanizam. 22 (2014) , 2 (48); 252-267.

Nagrada grada Zagreba

Voditelj projekta dr. sc. Dragan Damjanović dobitnik je Nagrade grada Zagreba za znanstvenu monografiju Arhitekt Herman Bollé i stručni vodič Zagreb. Arhitektonski atlas. Nagrada mu je uručena na dan grada Zagreba 31. svibnja 2015.

Project presentation

The public presentation of the project Croatia and Central Europe: Art and Politics in the Late Modern Period, 1780 – 1945, financed by the Croatian Science Foundation (CSF), took place on Friday, 30 January 2015, at the conference hall of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb.

Projekt_prezentac3 The principal investigator, Dr Dragan Damjanović,  presented the project, first by giving a short introduction to the Croatian Science Foundation and the project selection process which was of great interest to all those who are at the planning stages of the application for funding from the same institution.

The largest part of his hour-and-a-half long talk was dedicated to the main goals of the project, the participating researchers and their research topics and the work which has so far been done together with the plans for the future phases of the project.

The presentation ended with a discussion on different project related topics which were of the biggest interest to the audience, such as the ways the CSF’s projects are best conducted and ways to deal with administrative issues regarding project management.


Welcome to the homepage of the project Croatia and Central Europe: Art and Politics in the Late Modern Period (1780-1945) which has been conceived as a research into the political, economic and social discourses related to fine and applied arts through multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches.
The project is financed by the Croatian Science Foundation (Hrvatska zaklada za znanost) and it will be conducted in the period from 15 June 2014 to 14 June 2017.