Author Archives: Cromart
Monastery of St Peter, Osor – excavations 2016, June 1st-24th
From June the 1st to the 24th the project team members Morana Čaušević Bully, Sébastien Bully and Miljenko Jurković conducted the 2016 campaign of archaeological research of the abbey of St Peter in Osor, island of Cres. The program is the result of cooperation between the French CNRS (UMR ARTeHIS) and IRCLAMA from 2006, and the Ecole française de Rome from 2012, financed mostly by the French Ministère des affaires étrangères et européennes, the Croatian Ministry of Culture, the Ecole française de Rome, the foundation Caritas Veritatis, and incorporated to the CROMART project. Continue reading Monastery of St Peter, Osor – excavations 2016, June 1st-24th
Case study Rab – excavations 2016, June 5th-12th
Just for a week, from the 5th to the 12th of June 2016, the project team members M. Jurković, G. P. Brogiolo and R. Starac conducted further archaeological research on the island of Rab.
The main goal of this short campaign was to carry on the excavations of a very complex site in the town centre, in the inner courtyard of a restaurant, which started a year before. For the moment we have stopped at the level of a medieval blacksmith’s workshop, which is pretty well preserved. An important question – about destroying that layer and continue digging or try to preserve it – was raised in talks with the representatives of the community. The mayor of Rab agreed to contribute to strap it, restore and finally enable the musealization of that rare find. That kind of cooperation with the local community is a very important part of the CROMART project.
Continue reading Case study Rab – excavations 2016, June 5th-12th
Presentation of Hortus Artium Medievalium 22, June 3rd 2016
The latest, 22nd issue of the Hortus Artium Medievalium, annual journal of the International Research Center for Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, University of Zagreb, has been presented to the public on June 3rd 2016, during the Center’s 23rd International colloquium iz Zadar, Croatia.
The largest part of the volume gathers papers presented a year before in Poreč, during the 22nd IRCLAMA colloquium – topic Mobility of Artists, Transfer of Forms, Functions, Works of Art and Ideas in Medieval Mediterannean Europe: the Role of the Ports – thus presenting a milestone of the second year of the namesake CROMART project, financed by the Croatian Science Foundation.
Continue reading Presentation of Hortus Artium Medievalium 22, June 3rd 2016
June 1st 2016 – Presentation of the volume dedicated to Gian Pietro Brogiolo
A. Chavarria Arnau, M. Jurković (eds.), Alla ricerca di un passato complesso. Contributi in onore di Gian Pietro Brogiolo per il suo settantesimo compleanno, Dissertationes et Monographiae 8, Zagreb-Motovun 2016, 380 pp.
Within the publication plan of the project, and in close cooperation with the International Research Centre for Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, University of Zagreb – IRCLAMA (head M. Jurković), the 8th volume of the series Dissertationes et Monographiae was published and presented to the public on June 1st 2016 in Zadar. Continue reading June 1st 2016 – Presentation of the volume dedicated to Gian Pietro Brogiolo
May 30th 2016 – Presentation of the volume dedicated to the academician Igor Fisković
M. Jurković, P. Marković (eds.), Scripta in honorem Igor Fisković. Zbornik povodom sedamdesetog rođendana. Festschrift on the occasion of his 70th birthday, Dissertationes et Monographiae 7, Zagreb-Motovun 2015, 396 pp.
Within the publication plan of the project, and in close cooperation with the International Research Centre for Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, University of Zagreb – IRCLAMA (head M. Jurković), the 7th volume of the series Dissertationes et Monographiae was published and presented to the public on May the 30th 2016 in Zadar. Continue reading May 30th 2016 – Presentation of the volume dedicated to the academician Igor Fisković
23rd IRCLAMA colloquium, Zadar, June 1st-4th 2016
Living and dying in the cloister. Monastic life from the 5th to the 11th centuries: 23rd IRCLAMA International Symposium in Zadar, Croatia
Monastic life investigated through monk’s vision is the perspective of the 23rd IRCLAMA International Symposium that took place in Zadar, Croatia, from June 1st to 4th 2016. The meeting intended to penetrate deeply, through the study of space and time of the monastic asceticism, into one of the fundamental structures of development of medieval society between East and West. History, art and architecture are the primary tools by which, through the words spoken and written by the monks, are examined the forms of the monastic complexes, from late antiquity archetypes of Christian Europe in the middle Ages. Continue reading 23rd IRCLAMA colloquium, Zadar, June 1st-4th 2016
Workshop in Zadar: comparative studies in Northern Dalmatia, May 29th-31st 2016
XXVIII Reunion of the Association pour l’Antiquité tardive and the Workshop in Zadar and Nin, May 29th-31st 2016
Since the Workshop of the CROMART project, planned to take place in Zagreb, was finally held in Istria because the location allowed for a greater number of participants to attend, it was decided that another workshop should take place in Zadar and Nin, mainly in order to take advantage of the presence of many collaborators on the project who attended the XXVIIIe RÉUNION de l’Association pour l’Antiquité Tardive and XXIII IRCLAMA International Symposium in Zadar, Croatia, from May 28th to June 4th, 2016 (Miljenko Jurković, Xavier Barral I Altet, Gian Pietro Brogiolo, Predrag Marković, Alexandra Chavarría, Ivan Matejčić, Jean Terrier, Milagros Guardia Pons, Carles Mancho, Sebastian Bully, Morana Čaušević-Bully, Pascale Chevalier, Enrico Cirelli). Continue reading Workshop in Zadar: comparative studies in Northern Dalmatia, May 29th-31st 2016
Meeting in Rome, December 7th 2015
In the premises of the Ecole Française de Rome, and under the auspices of Stéphane Gioanni, on December 7th 2015, a meeting was held with the aim to construct a European or similar project on the topic of mapping and cataloguing monasteries on the Adriatic coast till the 11th century. The possible title of a forthcoming project would be: MONACORALE (MONAsteriorum CORpus Adriaticorum et Locorum Ecclesiasticorum). After analysis it was agreed that such a project would be for applying to the Agence nationale de recherche in France, with M. Čaušević Bully as the coordinator. Continue reading Meeting in Rome, December 7th 2015
Monastery of St Mary the Great near Bale, Istria – excavations 2015, October 19th-29th
The excavations of the monastery of St Mary the Great in Istria continued from the 19th to the 29th October 2015. The aim of this campaign (mostly financed by the Croatian Ministry of Culture) was to expand the archaeological trenches following the western enclosure wall towards north. Continue reading Monastery of St Mary the Great near Bale, Istria – excavations 2015, October 19th-29th