Category Archives: News

Scientific meeting »St Peter of Osor and Benedictine Monasticism in the Adriatic Area«, Osor, June 1st-3rd 2018

Project team members M. Čaušević Bully, S. Bully and M. Jurković together with I. Marić and S. Gioanni have organized a scientific meeting which has presented results of twelve campaigns of archaeological research conducted on the monastery of St Peter in Osor (island of Cres, Croatia).

The meeting, carried out under French-Croatian collaboration, was seventh in the series of scientific events »Monastic study days«. During the three-day program, presenters from Croatia, France and Italy have presented and discussed case study of the Monastery of St Peter, its phases, development and historical and geographical context, as well as the development of the monasticism in the Adriatic region. Besides historians, art historians and archaeologists, representatives of local and regional institutions related to the research and protection of heritage have participated, as well as the Ambassador of France. Continue reading Scientific meeting »St Peter of Osor and Benedictine Monasticism in the Adriatic Area«, Osor, June 1st-3rd 2018

Workshop in historic settlement of Bale, Istria, May 26th 2018

International team of CROMART project members, led by Prof. M. Jurković, has organised a workshop in Bale with a series of discussions and a field visit to the sites of the historic settlement – Bale parish church, its lapidarium where the early medieval sculpture from the monastery complex of St Mary the Great is displayed and the church of St Ilija. The main idea of the event was to display and to discuss the material consequences of a transnational cultural exchange in the early middle ages, primarily the influence of Western Europe in the period of Carolingian expansion on the Adriatic.

Presentation of Dissertationes et Monographiae 12, May 25th 2018

X. Barral i Altet, Il cantiere romanico di Sainte-Foy de Conques. La ricchezza, i miracoli e le contingenze materiali, dalle fonti testuali alla storia dell’arte, Dissertationes et monographiae 12, Zagreb-Motovun 2018

The twelfth volume of the series Dissertationes et Monographie, published by the International Research Center for Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages of the University of Zagreb, was presented to the public on May 25th 2018, during the annual colloquium of the Center in Poreč, Croatia. Continue reading Presentation of Dissertationes et Monographiae 12, May 25th 2018

Presentation of Dissertationes et Monographiae 11, May 25th 2018

B. Franzé, N. Le Luel (eds.), Le transept et ses espaces élevés dans l’église du Moyen Âge (Xe-XVIe siècles). Pour une nouvelle approche fonctionelle (architecture, décor, liturgie et son). Actes du colloque de Lausanne (20-21 avril 2015), Dissertationes et monographiae 11, Zagreb-Motovun 2018, 259 pp.

The eleventh volume of the series Dissertationes et Monographie, published by the International Research Center for Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages of the University of Zagreb, was presented to the public on May 25th 2018, during the annual colloquium of the Center in Poreč, Croatia. Continue reading Presentation of Dissertationes et Monographiae 11, May 25th 2018

Presentation of Dissertationes et Monographiae 10, May 23rd 2018

Dominique Allios, Les métamorphoses de l’art roman la Basse-Auvergne (France) du XIXe-s. à nous jours, Dissertationes et monographiae 10, Zagreb-Motovun, 2018, 219 pp.

The tenth volume of the series Dissertationes et Monographie, published by the International Research Center for Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages of the University of Zagreb, was presented to the public on May 23rd 2018, during the annual colloquium of the Center in Poreč, Croatia. Continue reading Presentation of Dissertationes et Monographiae 10, May 23rd 2018

Presentation of Dissertationes et Monographiae 9, May 23rd 2018

M. Jurković (ed.), De la passion à la création. Hommage à Alain Erlande-Brandenburg, Dissertationes et Monographiae 9, Zagreb-Motovun 2017, 184 pp.

The ninth volume of the series Dissertationes et Monographie, published by the International Research Center for Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages of the University of Zagreb, was presented to the public on May 23rd 2018, during the annual colloquium of the Center in Poreč, Croatia.

This book is a hommage to Alain Erlande-Brandenburg, one of the most prominent figures in contemporary medieval studies, not only in the francophone sphere, but also worldwide. He is one of the leading experts for Romanesque and Gothic art. He was the director of the National Museum of Renaissance in Château d’Écouen from 1980 to 1987, director of the Musée de Cluny from 1991 to 1994 and director of Museum of the Renaissance from 1999 to 2005. He was Inspector General of the French museums in 1988 and today bears the title of the Honorary General Curator for Heritage. Continue reading Presentation of Dissertationes et Monographiae 9, May 23rd 2018

Presentation of Hortus Artium Medievalium 24, May 23rd, 2018

The latest, 24th issue of the annual journal of the International Research Centre for Late Antique and Middle Ages, University of Zagreb, has been presented to the public on May 23rd 2018, during the Centre’s International colloquium in Poreč, Croatia.

The largest part of this year’s issue is the presentation of the last year’s colloquium main topic: CARE (Corpus Architecturae Religiosae Europae) – Meaning and Use of Corpora. The CARE is an international project of IRCLAMA, introduced in January 2008, devoted to creating a European-wide database, which would incorporate the religious heritage from the 4th to the 10th centuries. The majority of the issue (37 papers) is devoted to presenting the results of the CARE project in different countries and regions (including Croatia, Italy, Belgium, Poland, and Spain). Continue reading Presentation of Hortus Artium Medievalium 24, May 23rd, 2018

25th IRCLAMA colloquium, Poreč, May 22nd-28th 2018

The 25th annual colloquium, held in Poreč, Istria, was organized by the International Research Center for Late Antiquity and Middle Ages, in close cooperation with the CROMART project, financed by the Croatian Science Foundation.

This jubilee Colloquium has gathered close to a hundred art historians, historians and archaeologists from Europe, United States and Japan, continuing to be one of the most prominent scientific events related to the research of late antique and medieval heritage.

Continue reading 25th IRCLAMA colloquium, Poreč, May 22nd-28th 2018

Carolingian fortified settlement of Guran, Istria – excavations 2017 (October 4th – 15th)

The 2017 archaeological campaign, led by CROMART project leader M. Jurković, was carried out. Its main goal was further exploration of the inner perimetral communication inside the settlement, as well as the mapping of housing structures related to the road. Continue reading Carolingian fortified settlement of Guran, Istria – excavations 2017 (October 4th – 15th)

Monastery of St Mary the Great near Bale, Istria – excavations 2017 (October 1st-15th)

Archaeologists have continued with the excavations of the monastery complex of St Mary the Great near Bale under the supervision of M. Jurković and A. Milošević. The aim of the latest campaign was to define the north-west section of a monastery chapel which, together with the church of St Mary, served as the most important sacral object in the complex. Continue reading Monastery of St Mary the Great near Bale, Istria – excavations 2017 (October 1st-15th)