24th IRCLAMA colloquium, Pula, May 25th-28th 2017

CARE (Corpus architecturae religiosae europeae, IV  – X saec.) – Meaning and use of corpora: 24th  IRCLAMA International Symposium in Pula, Croatia

The Colloquium was held in the Historical and Maritime Museum of Istria in Pula from 25th to 28th of May 2017 gathering once again over a hundred specialists in the fields of archaeology, art history, history and medieval studies from all over Europe and the United States with 57 given papers. The topic of the colloquium was CARE, an international project led by G.P. Brogiolo and M. Jurković, aiming to publish a corpus of European ecclesiastical architecture from late antiquity and the early middle ages. It is as well one of the main goals of the CROMART project.

The papers were presented in the following sessions: The Fate of Late Antiquity Churches, The Care, Comparative Approach – Other Types of Corpora Dealing With the Middle Ages and Methodological Questions. During the four days problems related to the creation and development of the corpus of medieval architecture were discussed, within the created network of scientists from different countries. With the contributions of project team members J.P. Caillet, G.P. Brogiolo, A. Chavarria, P. Chevalier, M. Čaušević-Bully, S. Bully, E. Cirelli, S. Mustač, M. Jurković, one of the goals of CROMART project is being achieved.

The colloquium was organized by IRCLAMA, in close cooperation with the CROMART project, financed by the Croatian Science Foundation.