Dominique Allios, Les métamorphoses de l’art roman la Basse-Auvergne (France) du XIXe-s. à nous jours, Dissertationes et monographiae 10, Zagreb-Motovun, 2018, 219 pp.
The tenth volume of the series Dissertationes et Monographie, published by the International Research Center for Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages of the University of Zagreb, was presented to the public on May 23rd 2018, during the annual colloquium of the Center in Poreč, Croatia.The book deals with the way medieval art has been perceived in the field of archaeology and art history from the 19th century to our days in the region of Basse-Auvergne. It discusses the theoretical viewpoints and their subsequent changes during the said period and analyses the practical approaches to the Romanesque monuments.
This book is certainly a valuable contribution to the publications of the project, exploring the topic, which stands in line with the general ideas of the CROMART project.