Common Goals – Varieties of Approaches – Proceedings from the International Syposium

11004105_10204996947937450_1873527473_nIsti ciljevi – različiti pristupi: Promicanje mira i ljudskih prava odgoja i obrazovanjem: Radovi (međunarodni simpozij) (ur. Vidačak i Božić)


Međunarodni simpozij “Isti ciljevi – različiti pristupi: Promicanje mira i ljudskih prava odgojem i obrazovanjem”održan je u Dubrovniku 1998., s ciljem sagledavanja politika i programa u području mira, ljudskih prava i demokratskog građanstva međunarodnih i regionalnih organizacija i nevladinih udruga. Sudjelovali su predstavnici vladinog, muđuvladinog, akademskog i nevladinog sektora. Doprinosi simpoziju, zaključci i preporuke predstavljeni su na web stranici Centra.


Common Goals – Varieties of Approaches: Promotion of Peace, Human Rights and Democratic Citizenship Through Education: Proceedings from the International Syposium (eds. Vidačak and Božić)

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The International Symposium “Common Goals – Varieties Of Approaches: Promotion Of Peace, Human Rights And Democratic Citizenship Through Education” was held in Dubrovnik in 1998, with the aim of reviewing the policies, strategies and programmes in peace, human rights and democratic citizenship education developed by international and regional organizations and NGOs. 44 experts took part, including representatives from governmental, intergovernmental, academic and nongovernmental sectors. Contributions to the Symposium as well as participants’ Conclusions and Recommendations are presented on the web-site of the Centre.

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