Poučavati prava i slobode – priručnik za učitelje osnovne škole

poučavati prava i slobode

Poučavati prava i slobode – priručnik za učitelje osnovne škole (Spajić-Vrkaš; Stričević; Maleš; Matijević)

Zagreb, 2005


Ovaj je priručnik pomoć svim učiteljima/cama osnovne škole za uključivanje ljudskih prava i njima srodnih pojmova u nastavu, izvannastavne aktivnosti i rada škole u cjelini. Sadrži ideje o tome kako poticati cjeloviti razvoj svakog pojedinog učenika, kako školu graditi kao demokratsku zajednicu učenja i poučavanja, kako očuvati dostojanstvo svih u odgojno- obrazovnom procesu i kako mlade pripremiti za aktivno sudjelovanje u izazovima privatnog i profesionalnog života s onu stranu jalovog zapamćivanja neiskoristivih činjenica.

Priručnik se sastoji od dva dijela. Prvi dio predstavlja uvod u ljudska prava. U tom se dijelu daje cjelokupni teorijski okvir o ljudskim pravima: definiraju se ljudska prava, objašnjava se njihova povijest, generacije ljudskih prava, sustavi zaštite, njihova podjela. U drugom dijelu priručnika autori su pripremili program obrazovanja za ljudska prava u razrednoj nastavi. Tu se nalaze aktivnosti vezane uz određene teme ljudskih prava što učiteljima može biti jako korisno u planiranju nastavnih satova. Aktivnosti se međusobno mogu kombinirati, ali i mijenjati.

Učitelji i učiteljice kroz ovaj priručnik mogu dobiti cjelovitu sliku o obrazovanju za ljudska prava i demokratsko građanstvo, a razrađene aktivnosti i vježbe im mogu uvelike pomoći u realizaciji nastavnih sadržaja u GOO-u.

Elementary School Teachers’ Human Rights Education Manual with Activities for Class-teaching (Spajić-Vrkaš, Stričević, Maleš and Matijević)

Zagreb, 2005


The manual Teaching Rights and Freedoms was printed in the framework of the activities set up for the Democratic and Human Rights Education in Croatian Primary Schools Project. The project was initiated as the follow-up to the National Programme for Human Rights and Civic Education Project which was carried out from 1998 to 1999 with a joint support from the Human Rights Education Associates (HREA), the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Croatian National Human Rights Education Committee and the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sport. The 1998-1999 project set up a series in-service teacher training seminars in the implementation of the National Human Rights Education Programme. The trainers made a group of national and international human rights experts, including university professors, civil activists and experienced national advisors. The main target of the seminars was not only to prepare teachers for implementing the National Programme in their classrooms but to empower them for introducing further changes into their schools and local communities, as well. Thus, the focus was as much on learning about the key principles of promoting human rights through education as it was on acquiring skills of facilitating and promoting critical understanding, problem-solving, project-work, participation and team-work among students and adults. The most successful teachers were after a year or so invited to join the group of trainers with a view to exchange their experiences with other teachers, especially with those in need of more practical assistance to be able to remove the obstacles to human rights promotion in their schools or communities.

The seminars were also used for, in the one hand, in situ development of teaching materials for preschool teachers and, in the other hand, in situ testing of a primary school teachers’ manual which had been originally prepared in 1999 by the UNESCO/Netherlands’ sponsored project on Peace and Human Rights for Croatian Primary Schools.

Upon the approval of the Croatian Ministry of Education and Sport, HREA entrusted these tasks to the Research and Training Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Citizenship of the Faculty of Philosophy University of Zagreb that had been several months earlier established on the initiative of some members of the former UNESCO/Netherlands project. The work of the Centre is focused on strengthening the implementation of human rights in the national education system through research and training, as well as through development and dissemination of learning and teaching materials, in particular through ICT (https://www.ffzg.unizg.hr/hre-edc).

After number of changes the Centre published the Preschool Teachers’ Manual Living and learning the rights in 2003 as the first of the kind in Croatia. It was developed as a practical guide for preschool teachers and other professionals, as well as for parents, in facilitating preschool children’s learning for self-awareness, rights and responsibilities, equality and justice in the context of a democratic and culturally plural society.

The original version of the Primary School Teachers’ Manual Teaching Rights and Freedoms which had been prepared in the UNESCO/Netherlands project in 1999 was significantly expanded and changed as the result of consultation with teachers, teacher trainers and experts from different disciplines. Namely, majority of them said they needed more knowledge on human rights, democracy, civil society etc. in order to be able to efficiently teach human rights in their classrooms. They asked for a manual in which the examples of students’ activities would be more balanced with information on international, legal, moral, cultural and other aspects of human rights protection and promotion, including the obstacles to such processes. They saw in such an approach a solid ground for developing an argumentation about why human rights education is not a mere fashion but a necessity in today’s schools.

With this in mind, the original text was changed considerably and divided in two parts. The first part encompasses chapters dealing with moral and legal dimensions of human rights; the difference between human and individual rights, human and constitutional rights, universal and particular rights, etc.; the relation between rights, responsibilities and duties; historical and theoretical foundations for human rights; international, regional and national systems of human rights protection and promotion, including the role of civil society; the link between the right to education and the enjoyment of human rights, as well as a survey of human rights education and related programmes, including the description of the situation in this field in Croatia. The second part of the manual consists of the Primary School Human Rights Education Programme’s activities. It comprises five key areas: Discovering the Self; Knowing the Other; Living in a Democratic Community; Building and Strengthening Peace; Preserving the Wholeness of the World. The text also contains information on objectives, methods and evaluation strategies for each area, as well as number of references for teacher self-education.

Both manuals are an example of how human rights education may become an integrating force that brings together practicing teachers, NGOs activists, university professors and government experts in sharing and promoting the idea of human dignity through learning, training and teaching. It is also an example of a successful and long-lasting cooperation between HREA and number of Croatian institutions and organisations, including the government that have brought important changes to Croatian education policy and practice.

In order to improve human rights education practice in Croatian schools, the Research and Training Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Citizenship intends to monitor and evaluate the use of the Primary School Teachers’ Manual.

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